The cost of the workshop for Scientific Investigators will be approximately $400 (seven nights lodging, double occupancy, and all meals at UNH/NEC, up to 50% of these costs) for all who are able to stay for the full eight days of the workshop. This is a subsidized rate, to encourage all U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Scientific Investigators to stay for the entire time. For those staying less than the full time, the cost will be $115 per day. Travel cost will be your responsibility so please make your own travel plans. If a Scientific Investigator attends for the entire time, then we may be able to subsidize their student(s), subject to available funds.
The University of New Hampshire is located in Durham, New Hampshire. Directions to UNH are available.
You do not have to come to the workshop with your data synthesized. In the words of Cabell Davis:
"You should note that the purpose of the meeting is not to present synthesized results, but to actually do the synthesis at the meeting, while working collaboratively. This was what was done at the Warm Core Ring Workshops and was quite productive. Fewer interruptions than when working in your office! It was like a cruise except for working on data."
The tentative agenda was prepared at the September 12, 1996 EXCO meeting. The workshop is intended to foster both disciplinary and interdisciplinary exchanges between investigators.
If you plan to attend, please register now.