Robert C. Groman Groman, R. C., B. P. Luyendyk, D. A. Richards and C. M. Wooding, 1972, Data Processing of Geophysical Time Series Data. WHOI Reference No. 72-95 by E. Uchupi and K. O. Emery.
Richards, D. A., S. R. Gegg and R. C. Groman, 1974. Preliminary Cruise Report and Index of Geophysical Data CHAIN 115, Leg 1. WHOI Reference No. 74-38.
Richards, D., R. Groman, B. Luyendyk and C. Denham, 1974. Guide to Marine Geophysical Digital Data, 1959-1972. WHOI Reference No. 74-44.
Richards, D. A., R. C. Groman and S. R. Gegg, 1974. Cruise Data Report CHAIN 115 Leg 2 Southlant Expedition. WHOI Reference No. 74-59.
Groman, R. C., 1974. The Digital Data Library System: Library Storage and Retrieval of Digital Geophysical Data. WHOI Reference No. 74-68.
Groman, R. C., S. R. Gegg and J. D. Kroll, 1975. Cruise Data Report R/V Chain 115, Leg 5, Southlant Expedition. WHOI Reference No. 75-29.
Denham, C. R. and R. C. Groman, 1975. Programming for At-Sea Data Processing, contained in the Proceedings of the Working Conference on Oceanographic Data Systems, W.H.O.I., November 12-14, 1975.
Hoskins, H. and R. C. Groman, 1976. Informal Report on Surveys at IPOD Sites AT2.2 and AT2.3. Submitted to IPOD Site Survey Management.
Groman, R. C. and H. Hoskins, 1977. A Complete Navigation and Total Geomagnetics Processing Software Package using the Hewlett-Packard 9830 Calculator. WHOI Reference No. 77-23.
The Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format - 'MGD77', Compiled by the MGD77 Task Group KGRD No. 10, National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center, September 1977.
Groman, R. C. and J. A. Dunworth, 1978. Cruise Data Report R/V ATLANTIS II 93 Leg 7. WHOI Reference No. 78-38.
Groman, R. C. 1979. Process Scheduling and Memory Management in the VAX -11/780 Computer. WHOI Technical Memorandum 1-79.
Little, William S., Robert C. Groman and Lee Grove. Data Processing and Analysis in Oceanographic Research. Sea Technology, February 1980.
Groman, R. C., 1981. Computer Storage and Retrieval of Position-Dependent Data at WHOI, in Frontiers in Data Storage, Retrieval and Display Proceedings of a Marine Geology and Geophysics Data Workshop, November 5-7, 1980, Boulder, Colorado, NOAA/EDIS/NGSDC June 1981. Allen M. Hittleman, editor.
Groman, R. C., 1982. Computer Storage and Retrieval of Position-Dependent Data. WHOI Technical Memorandum 82-27.
Groman, R. C., 1984. The VAX Generation: Management Decisions, USA 1984 Fall Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, December 10-14, 1984. WHOI contribution number 5854.
Groman, R. C., 1985. VAXcluster Management and User Experiences, USA 1985 Fall Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, December, 1985. WHOI contribution number 6111.
Groman, R. C., 1987. VAX Systems Coexisting in a Multivendor Environment, USA 1987 Spring Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society.
Groman, R. C., 1989. Managing Computer Resources, USA 1989 Fall Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society.
Groman, R. C. and Peter H. Wiebe, 1996. Management of Biological, Physical, and Chemical Data Within the U.S. GLOBEC Program, contained in the International Workshop on Marine Biological and Chemical Data Management: Collection of Selected Abstracts
Groman, R. C., 1996. CD-ROM Appendix in Deep Sea Research Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography, Physical-Biological Interactions on Georges Bank and Its Environs, Volume 43, No. 7-8, 1996. This multi-media CD-ROM is formatted as a self-contained Web site to be viewed by any standard Web browser.
Groman, R. C.and Peter H. Wiebe. Management of Biological, Physical, and Chemical Data Within the U.S. GLOBEC Program, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Oceanographic Biological and Chemical Data Management, May 20 - 23, 1996; NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 8, February 1997.
Groman, R. C. U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Data Management System: A Demonstration, in Boehlert, G. W. and J. D. Schumacher, eds. 1997. Changing Oceans and Changing Fisheries; Environmental Data for Fisheries Research and Management. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-239. pp 124-125.
Groman, R. C. U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Data Management System: A Demonstration, in Boehlert, G. W. and J. D. Schumacher, Eds. 1997. Changing Oceans and Changing Fisheries: Environmental Data for Fisheries Research and Management. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-239. Pp 124-125.
Groman, Robert C. and Peter H. Wiebe, Data Management in the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program, Marine Technology Society's Ocean Community Conference '98 proceedings, November 1998.
Fogarty, M. J., P. H. Wiebe, and R. C. Groman. US GLOBEC Georges Bank Program Completes Field Studies. GLOBEC International Newsletter 6.1:14, 2000.
Groman, Robert C. Report of the 2nd IGBP-DIS Steering Group Meeting, in GLOBEC International Newsletter 6.1:22, April 2000.
ICES 2002, " ICES/GLOBEC Sea-going Workshop for Intercalibration of Plankton Samplers. A compilation of data, metadata and visual material". ICES Cooperative Research Report, No. 250, May 2002 compiled and edited by Peter H. Wiebe, Lutz Postel, Hein Rune Skjoldal, Tor Knutsen, Molly Dicky Allison, and Robert C. Groman.
Wiebe, Peter H., R. Beardsley, D. Mountain, M. D. Allison, and R. C. Groman, editors. Report of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase IV Synthesis - Startup Planning Meeting 11-12 July 2002. On-line report, September 2002, at
Wiebe, Peter H., D. Allison, and R. C. Groman, editors. Report of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Science Meeting, 18-20 November 2003. On-line report, September 2004, at
Flierl, G. R., R. C. Groman, C. L. Hammond, H. D. Livingston, P. H. Wiebe. A Distributed Data and Information System for JGOFS and the GLOBEC Georges Bank Program, poster session and on-line demonstration at the Fourth Scientific Meeting of the Oceanography Society, Newport, Rhode Island, April 18-21, 1995
Groman, R. C. Update on Data Management Issues, presented at the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program Scientific Investigators' Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, 16-18 October 1995.
Groman, R. C. U.S. GLOBEC Data Management System Overview for Georges Bank, invited talk at the ICES/GLOBEC Cod and Climate Database Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, 14-16 November 1995.
Groman, R. C. Management of Biological, Physical, and Chemical Data Within the U.S. GLOBEC Program. International Workshohp on Oceanographic Biological and Chemical Data Management, May 20 - 23, 1997 at Bundesamt für Seeschiffarhrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg, Germany.
Groman, R. C. U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Data Management System. Presentation to the Center for Marine Science and Technology (CMast), University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, September 18, 1997.
Groman, R. C. and P. H. Wiebe. The US GLOBEC Georges Bank Study: Data and Information Management System, poster session at the ICES Annual Science Conference 1997, Baltimore, Maryland.
Robert C. Groman and Peter H. Wiebe, Data Management in the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program, presented at the Marine Technology Society's Ocean Community Conference '98, November 18, 1998.
Robert C. Groman, US GLOBEC Data Management, presented at the W3: PICES-GLOBEC Data Management Workshop: Exchange, Inventory and Archival of GLOBEC Data, Qingdao, China, October 20, 2002
Groman, R.C. FleetLink: Meteorological and Oceanographic Data Automatically Telemetered from Fishing Vessels, presented at the NOAA's New England Marine Workshop, October 30-31, 2002
Groman, R.C. Data Management in the U.S. GLOBEC Program, September 11, 2003, presented at the NVODS Use and Future Directions in Research, Operations, and Education: The 2003 National NVODS Workshop 10-12 September 2003
Allison, M.D., R.C. Groman, A.C. Bucklin, P.H. Wiebe, Northeast Consortium Fisheries and Data Management System, poster session presented at the Northeast Consortium Annual Conference/Workshop, Portland, Maine, December 2003.
Groman, R.C., P.H. Wiebe, M.D. Allison, and G.F. Heimerdinger, US GLOBEC Data Management, poster session presented (by MDA) at the AGU meeting January 2004.