Zooplankton counting protocol
In the laboratory, the MOCNESS 12m samples selected for
analysis are split with a folsom splitter to provide a subsample of
about 1000-1200 total zooplankton animals. Calanus
finmarchicus and Pseudocalanus spp. copepodites are
identified to stage. Adults of other copepods are identified to
species while copepodites are grouped and identified to species
where possible (e.g. Temora longicornis), or to genus where
it is not possible to identify the younger copepodite stages of
individual species (e.g. Centropages hamatus, C.
typicus and C. bradyi). Other zooplankton taxa are
identified to the lowest possible taxon and enumerated. Nauplii
present in MOCNESS samples are not counted since, with the possible
exception of the last two C. finmarchicus naupliar stages,
they are not quantitatively sampled.
Ted Durbin
August 26, 1997