Data Workshops
At the
23 January 2000 Scientific
Investigators' meeting held
in the San Antonio, Texas Convention Center
a number of data workshops were suggested during the course of the
afternoon's discussion. In addition to tentative titles, leaders of
each workshop were identified who would prepare a workshop prospectus
and decide on the venue.
Many of these suggested workshops have taken place.
Following is a list of workshops which have taken place since that
meeting and include the reports which were generated by each workshop.
Some of the workshops were the results of suggestions made during that AGU/ASLO
Other workshops resulted from topics identified later as part of the process of
data synthesis and integration which has become a dominant activity during
Phase IV of the Program.
It was agreed at the San Antonio meeting that those and subsequent workshops
will be announced via the Program
web site and will be open to all U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Study
investigators. The leaders should also invite investigators they
believe will be particularly helpful in the discussions. The
Program Service Office
will provide some funding for organizational
and travel costs of the workshops.
- Broad-scale data coordination
Goal: To lay the groundwork for integration among all Broad-scale
data sets, including distribution and abundance of target species
and physical oceanographic analyses, and between Broad-scale and
Process oriented data. The compilation of the data sets will allow
selection of topics for later focus. The eventual goal will be to
integrate all these data into models.
Leaders: D. Mountain, M. Sieracki, T. Durbin
Time: July 19 - 20, 2000
Site: Carriage House, Woods Hole Oceanographic
follow directions to WHOI's Quissett Campus)
Also, follow on meeting minutes
are available entitled
Broad Scale Proposal Gridding Discussion -
June 9, 2004
- Cross-frontal exchange
Goal: To integrate data from the major field experiments examining
the tidal mixing fronts on the northern flank (including drifter and
dye studies) and southern flank (moorings), with a focus on 1999 data
Leaders: K. Wishner, J. Ledwell, R. Houghton
Time: October 10 - 12, 2000
Site: Holiday Inn, Falmouth, MA
Note: This meeting is combined with the Scotian Shelf
Cross-overs workshop
- Data Visualization
Goal:To discuss the needs of the GLOBEC/JGOFS community for data visualization
and how best to meet those needs.
Leaders: R. Groman, P. Wiebe
Time: December 21, 2000
Site: Smith Conference Room, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Report:Draft Available
- A Kriging Workshop
Goal: To explore the theoretical foundation of kriging with
presentations by experts (A. Solow and others) and provide
opportunity for hands-on exploration using individual data sets.
Leaders: C. Ashjian J. Ledwell, D. Chu
Report: Available
- Scotian Shelf Cross-overs
Goal: To conduct a census of crossover events 1995 - 1999, to focus
on the 1999 field year, and to determine their impacts on the
biological and physical dynamics on the Bank. First meeting will
integrate physical data (which are available now) and whatever
biological data are available by the time of the meeting.
Leaders: P. Smith, D. Townsend, D. Mountain
Time: October 10 - 12, 2000
Site: Holiday Inn, Falmouth, MA
Note: This meeting is combined with the Cross-frontal
Exchange workshop
Slope Water Interaction
Goal: Integrate various types of data (VPR, SeaSoar, remote
sensing, moored array, drifters) that examine Georges Bank - slope
water interactions, especially across the shelf-break front, using
data collected during 1995 - 1999. The sea surface temperature
records for these years may allow identification of critical periods
for focused study.
Leaders: Carin Ashjian, Bob Beardsley, Craig Lee
Time: August 23 - 25, 2000
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Wednesday, August 23 - Clark 507
- Thursday, August 24 - Clark 507
- Friday, August 25 - Clark Fuglister (if necessary)
- Trans-Atlantic Studies of Shelf Ecosystem Responses to Climate
Variability and Change
Goal: To consider the impact of climatic variability on decadal
scales, especially the NAO, on the biological and physical dynamics
of the Georges Bank ecosystem.
Leaders: C. Greene, C. Hannah
Report: Available
- Vital rates
Goal: To work toward integration of the vital rates measurements
into the population dynamics and biological/physical modeling
Leaders: D. Gifford, D. McGillicuddy, C. Werner
Time: April 24-25, 2000
Site: J Erik Jonsson Woods Hole Center
Report: In preparation
- Target Species
Goal: Ultimate Goal: To identify research areas where GLOBEC results suggest a new conceptual model of
biological processes in the Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine region and to develop a plan for testing these
Specific Goals: To provide updates on population dynamics modeling, spatial distributions and on
egg production, growth and mortality data.
To identify important events or problem areas that need attention.
To identify what data must be shared among groups to further the understanding of the target species.
To compare patterns of variability in target species with one another and with other important species.
Leader: C. Johnson
Time: January 19-21, 2005
Site: Three Chimneys Inn, Durham, NH.
Report: Available
Last modified: January 19, 2005