Proposed new features - Data Management System
Here is a list of proposed new features, capabilities and/or changes
to the JGOFS Data Management System. This list will be updated
as new ideas are added, or as items are removed from the list.
If you have any suggestions, please contact the Data
Management Office.
Note that items may be added to this list but then not implemented.
Your feedback will be helpful in determining whether to implement a new
capability and what priority does it have.
- Port the JGOFS serving software to the Macintosh and PC/Windows
environment. (10/2/1995)
- It would be handy to have customized scripts that the user can
submit that control plotting - whether it be just field names or things
like multiple plots per page. Perhaps we should aim towards that:
operations the user requests will result in scripts that can be brought
back and saved. A procedure for submitting scripts would also be
available. "Fullplot" has that option in a limited kind of way. Perhaps
JAVA is really a way to do this kind of thing - plots would be
generated on the user end and a plot applet could allow a script the
user could construct and save. GF: (2/16/1996)
Last modified: July 26, 2006