U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase 4B PI Meeting Registration Form June 23, 2008 Meeting
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Please indicate the tentative title of your presentation:
Please indicate the author(s) of your presentation:
Please include a preliminary abstract of your presentation:
If you have any special dietary requirements, please specify them here: none
Please indicate whether you want a lunch. Cost for the lunch is $12 unless otherwise waived.
For those who wish to stay overnight , contact one of the following motels:
Mention the GLOBEC meeting to secure the indicated room rate.
Click here to submit your registration form: or here to
After clicking on the "Submit Query" button, you should see confirmation that your registration form has been accepted. If the information on this confirmation page is incorrect or does not end with "You have been successfully registered." please contact Chip Clancy. Thank you.