U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Phase 3 Announcements

The official version of the Announcement of Opportunity for the U.S. GLOBAL OCEAN ECOSYSTEMS DYNAMICS PROGRAM, Northwest Atlantic Field Studies, Phase 3: Modeling, Observation and Process Field Studies, and Synthesis, is available on-line. It is available from the National Science Foundataion (in HTML, text, and Word formats) via URL:

A version is also available from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank office at URL http://globec.whoi.edu/globec-dir/phase3doc/AO.html.

U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program Phase III Prologue is now available. This prologue is intended to be a preface to individual proposals that are being sent to NSF/NOAA in response to the Announcement of Opportunity for the Phase III research on Georges Bank which has a deadline of 15 December 1997 for submission of proposals.

A ship time request summary for Phase III is available in several formats (Microsoft Word, WorkPerfect, and Web (html) format. Please review it and contact the Data Management Office with any corrections and changes.

An open meeting of all interested principal investigators who plan to respond to this AO was held November 3 - 4, 1997 at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. The invitation for this meeting is available at URL http://globec.whoi.edu/globec-dir/phase3doc/invitation.html.

Last modified: December 8, 1997