Ichthyoplankton Sampling After All
Bankwide Stations Are Occupied
- After all bankwide stations have been occupied, estimate
the numbers of hours remaining until the ship returns to port.
Subtract from this the time required to return to a station of high
or, preferably, highest abundance and running time from there
to port.
- If 12 or more hours of work time remain after these
subtractions, then return to the high abundance station and make
a bongo tow, following previously described protocol.
Immediately examine the net's contents to determine weather
the patch of larvae has again been located; if not see items #6-
- If larvae of the targeted species are abundant(>3), continue
immediately with a CTD cast and MOC-1 tow following
previously described CTD and MOC-1 ichthyoplankton
- Run the computer program LATLONG for coordinates of
additional stations to occupy, their priority and gear to set.
Occupy as many of the stations as time allows.
- If larvae of the target species are not abundant, at the first
revisited station, consult with a physical oceanographer to
evaluate lapsed time, weather conditions and larval drift since
the initial encounter. On the basis of this evaluation, determine
where to locate the next station. Continue the search until the
patch of larvae is relocated.
- When relocated, follow steps 1 through 5 above.
- If a concentration (e.g..>10) of the targeted larvae is not
encountered at any of the bankwide stations on cruises in peak
occurrence months of March, April or May, consult with
NEFSC ichthyoplankton personnel to determine search area.
These search areas are based on historical MARMAP data
plotted on a navigational chart.
- Select the appropriate area based on month of ongoing
survey. If larvae are found, conduct sampling operations as
described in 1 through 5 above.
Feb. 2, 1995