Alcohol-preserved sub-samples from BSS MOC
nets #2,3,4 (150 µm)
This protocol is included as a standard
procedure on all Broad-scale cruises. The goal is to obtain portions of the
stratified samples of Pseudocalanus spp. for the 1 m2 MOCNESS 150 µm nets for preservation in ethanol for molecular analysis.
Protocol for Pseudocalanus spp. collection during Broad-scale cruises
- Stations to be sampled: 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 27, 29, 30, 36,
and 38 (This list includes all 1st priority and some 2nd priority stations).
Nets to be sampled: #2, #3, #4.
- After sample is rinsed from cod end to bucket, collect on 150 µm
screen and rinse into a 1 liter beaker bringing up volume to equal 1 liter
(or 600 mls, or 800 mls depending on how concentrated the sample is);
- Swirl to homogenize the sample as much as possible;
- Remove subsample with scoop (90 mls) and pour into small diameter
screen (150 µm mesh);
- Rinse the drained plankton with 95% ethanol into a 4 oz. glass jar;
- Add 95% ethanol - making sure that there is 3 to 4 times more alcohol
than plankton volume;
- Change alcohol after 24 hours;
- Record volume removed on preservation sheet (i.e. 90 mls/1000 mls to
Ann Bucklin);
- Preserve the remainder of the plankton in 10% formaldehyde using the
standard protocol and record on preservation sheet if any other
subsamples are removed;
- Leave Ann Bucklin's samples in Peter Wiebe's lab at WHOI or call
Ann to arrange pick-up.
Prepared 1996/04/06 by:
Ann C Bucklin
Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
142 Morse Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824-3525
(603) 862-3505
FAX (603) 862-0243